Runge Ralph aka Bronson

Runge Ralph aka Bronson
We are starting a strand of blogs to give credit where it is due and introduce you to some of the miracle workers here behind the scenes at Sight in Sea. First off, we’ve got the man that started it all; yes, Runge Ralph, himself. Bronson has been the fuel to this fire we call Sight in Sea for a few years now and without whom, this brand just simply wouldn’t exist. Bronson embodies, and has built a brand to represent, camaraderie, morality, and quality (both in character and goods). Bronson saw a market flooded with companies and brands that have great parts, but wanted to create a brand that tied all of the great qualities of family, hobby, and equipment together. To him, hunting isn’t a man’s segregation from others but rather a connection of creation; fishing isn’t a quiet escape from responsibility but rather the opportunity to experience tranquility together. In all these enjoyments in life, Bronson hoped to bring elements together such as favorite activities/hobbies with favorite people. Out of all this thinking and pondering, Sight in Sea was born with the slogan of: “Do what you love with who you love.”
So, without further ado, I will introduce you to him; interview style. 
Give me 3 words that describe you.
“Direct, Humble, Passionate”
Tell me about you and your family.
“Well, I did convince the other half to say yes to marrying me, almost 10 years ago; and holy cow, a definite upgrade on my part. Then the good Lord blessed us with two very different, energetic boys, Lincoln(7) and Oliver(5).”
What are your hobbies and how do you identify with Sight in Sea?
“I was pretty fortunate to grow up doing a little bit of everything; dabbling in sports, spending time outdoors, and spending countless hours with my family on the ranch. I don't think Sight in Sea was created to identify just one certain way. Whether that means fishing, hunting, camping, hiking, being outdoors, and/or plainly just spending time with friends and family, it was created for everyone.”
Your specific skill set is part of why you are on this team. Tell us about your "side" business which lead you to Sight in Sea. We are building a co-op village and want to lift you up as well!
“Most of my full-time gigs have involved some sort of teaching, selling, and/or visiting with people; and while I haven't quite quit those, yet. I also still sell a handful of outdoor sporting goods and high-end apparel on eBay. I guess, I eventually just felt the pull to create something for myself, and within that, Sight in Sea was born.”
If you were to compare yourself to an animal, which would it be an why?
“Cheetah; no reason, I just like them”
What's your favorite food to eat that's been cooked on an open fire?
“Stuffed Pork Tenderloin”
If you could choose one celebrity to be an ambassador of Sight in Sea who would it be?
“Kevin Costner”
How would you describe a Texas sunset to a blind person?
“Warm but cool, bright but dark, fading orange to gray with tons of clouds to reflect the brightness of the sun.”
Name 5 unique uses for your pocket knife.
“Cutting hay string, slicing an apple, cleaning a deer, cutting up bait, shaving my beard”
If you could learn a new language in one day, what language would you choose?
“Spanish, hands down”
What was the last gift you gave to someone?
“A round of golf”


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